CABS was formed to provide professional and reliable painting and environmentally friendly blast cleaning services to all industry sectors, our initial focus is to offer quality repairs and painting services to the construction industry, these include cladding panels, internal white liner panels, powder coated surfaces and curtail walling, we also offer full building refurbishment and colour changes.
Our blast cleaning systems use a new and eco friendly process to clean building facades, graffiti removal and general exterior building cleaning and refurbishment

Our specialist and experienced workforce has been selected to provide our clients with the best quality and value for money in the industry, all our employees are committed to work to and improve our companies mission statement, a small part is set out below

Swansea Guildhall
RMA Sandhurst
Haford Regeneration
Graffiti Removal
Maplin Swansea
Trident Park

Quality Assurance Statement

 As a company, Coatings and Blasting Services Ltd are not ISO 9002 approved, although we are
committed to achieving this standard within the next 12 months until we have achieved this
accreditation we will abide by the standards set out below to implement our own quality control.

Each job is allocated an experienced paint spraying team. At the start of each job, our supervisor
has a meeting with our operations director to assess timescales and the best way to proceed with
the works.

The Operations Director will then have a meeting with the client to advice on what the works programme is.
Once the client is in agreement, a sample area is to be done and presented to the client for   approval of colour and finish.
Once this has been approved, our team carries on with the works, and progress will be presented at the end of each week to the client for quality checks and progress checks.
 If there is an issue with either, the problem is assessed as to why there is a problem, and once the problem has been identified and nullified, our team proceed with the correction of the problem.
Each week the process is repeated until job completion.
At this point the job will be signed off by the client, which entitles us to invoice the works.
Upon payment our guarantee for our works are issued and an after care report is compiled.
This system is satisfactory to all of our clients, but as a company Coatings and Blasting Services Ltd is always striving to improve and grow.

Complete Client Satisfaction

• Everything we do is directed towards the complete satisfaction of our present and future
• Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest level of quality and services at a fair
and competitive price.
• We will maintain a continuous quality management program which will structure, unify and
expand our services.
• Our decisions will always be based on the highest standards of skill, responsibility and integrity.
• We will actively solicit ideas and feedback from our clients for opportunities to add value to our
• We will always offer rapid response, competent answers and dependable solutions

CABS Ltd have many years combined experience and offer specialist coating and blasting solutions to various industries throughout the UK, our company and dedicated labour force is committed to providing a fast response, no nonsense service with no hidden extra’s, CABS Ltd will look smart work smart and deliver quality and a professional service at a economical cost that will fit in with your budget.

Download our Brochure

Download our Mission Statement


Coatings and Blasting Services Ltd   



01792 792800

Making Buildings Beautiful Again